{"id":5466,"date":"2011-08-04T16:17:47","date_gmt":"2011-08-04T16:17:47","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/crashtext.org\/misc\/ocular.htm\/"},"modified":"2018-07-14T16:01:20","modified_gmt":"2018-07-14T20:01:20","slug":"ocular","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/crashingpatient.com\/ultrasound\/ocular.htm\/","title":{"rendered":"Ocular Ultrasound"},"content":{"rendered":"

Best Video<\/p>\n





brace your hand on patient’s nose.<\/p>\n

Fan through eye in transverse and sag<\/p>\n

can see vitreous bleed retinal detachment icp-optic nerve sheath lens dislocation retro-orbital bleed<\/p>\n

Key question, does the ocular anatomy look normal<\/p>\n

More and more, it looks like 5.7 is the magic cutoff (Crit Care 2008;12:150)<\/p>\n

If the optic nerve sheath is >5mm at a point 3 mm behind the globe, then there is increased icp (ACAD EMERG MED d April 2003, Vol. 10, No. 4)<\/p>\n


(2nd study Tayal VS Ann Emerg Med 2006) Another study (Emerg Med J 2007;24:251)<\/p>\n

Third Study (Annals of Emergency Medicine 2007;49(4):508-514)<\/p>\n

The sensitivity for the ultrasonography in detecting elevated intracranial pressure was 100% (95% confidence interval [CI] 68% to 100%) and specificity was 63% (95% CI 50% to 76%). \u00a0 another ONSD uts study case control methods and weird endpoint make this one less compelling, but it bore out the technique they used a 5.77 mm cutpoint (Inten Care Med 2007;33:1704) Confirmation with real ICP measurements ((2008) Academic Emergency Medicine 15 (2) , 201\u0096204) another real time showed nerve sheath but not nerve reflected ICP (Inten Care Med 2008;34:2062) Reply to Copetti and Cattarossi Thomas Geeraerts1 , Olivier Berg\u00e8s2, Sybille Merceron1, Yoann Launey1, Dan Benhamou1, Bernard Vigu\u00e91 and Jacques Duranteau1 (1) AP-HP, D\u00e9partement d\u0092Anesth\u00e9sie-R\u00e9animation Chirurgicale, H\u00f4pital Bic\u00eatre, Universit\u00e9 Paris-Sud, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Bic\u00eatre, 94275 Le Kremlin-Bic\u00eatre, France(2) Service d\u0092Imagerie M\u00e9dicale, Unit\u00e9 Ultrasons, Fondation Ophtalmologique Adolphe de Rothschild, 25 rue Manin, 75019 Paris, France \u00a0 Thomas Geeraerts<\/strong>Email: <\/strong> thgeeraerts@hotmail.com<\/a> Accepted: <\/strong>28 February 2009 Published online: <\/strong>15 April 2009 Without Abstract This reply refers to the comment available at: doi:10.1007\/s00134-009-1494-4 We thank Drs. Copetti and Cattarossi for their comments. We however disagree with the assumption that our results [1<\/cite>, 2<\/a><\/cite>] are related to artifacts. Using ocular sonography, the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) can be measured on coronal view (with the probe being vertical) or on axial view (horizontal probe). On axial view, the optic nerve sheath can appear fusiform, but not as a result of an acoustic artifact arising from the lamina cribrosa, but rather from unintended reconstruction when using an outdated ultrasound system, or from a meningeal shadow when the nerve does not run strictly straight. Blehar et al. [3<\/a><\/cite>] showed that measurements in the horizontal axis are consistently larger than those in the vertical axis. This could be related to a nonspherical ONSD, but also in some cases to this shadow. This discrepancy could become an issue when performing only one measurement in the horizontal axis, probably as Copetti and Cattarossi did. In both of our studies, this point has been considered. For each eye, we performed two measurements, one in coronal and one in axial view, the average being retained as the ONSD value. Nevertheless, to control this point, we performed an additional analysis of our second study [1<\/cite>]. We have now separated vertical and horizontal axis measurements of ONSD. We found a similar and significant relationship between intracranial pressure (ICP) and ONSD, with r<\/em> = 0.65 (P<\/em> < 0.0001) for horizontal ONSD and r<\/em> = 0.71 (P<\/em> < 0.0001) for vertical ONSD. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the detection of raised ICP (>20 mmHg) show very similar patterns and best ONSD cutoff values for vertical, horizontal, and both averaged ONSD (5.88, 5.86, and 5.86 mm, respectively) (Fig. 1).Fig. 1 Receiver operating characteristic curves with respect to raised intracranial pressure (>20 mmHg) for optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measured in vertical and horizontal axis, and for averaged horizontal and vertical axis. Curves are not significantly different Moreover, we also disagree with the assumption that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and sonographic ONSD values strongly differ. We recently performed a study in 38 traumatic brain injury patients with invasive ICP monitoring, measuring ONSD with MRI [4<\/cite>]. Interestingly, we found a strong relationship between ICP and ONSD (r<\/em> = 0.71, P<\/em> < 0.0001) and a best cutoff value for raised ICP (5.8 mm) very close to the values obtained using ocular sonography. We do not support the fact that color Doppler imaging of retrobulbar arteries can help in the ONSD measurement. There is no justification in the literature for this statement. Figure 2 is not convincing. The left cursor (mark 1) is 1\u00962 mm too lateral, resulting in a falsely enlarged ONSD. This could be related to the probe used by Copetti and Cattarossi. The frequency of the probe has to be superior to 7.5 MHz for enough precision [5<\/cite>]. Such a probe was used in our studies, but not in Copetti and Cattarossi\u0092s work. Finally, ONSD values presented in their comments are not in the correct units. ONSD are probably 5.9 and 3.5 mm rather than 59 and 35 mm. We strongly believe that the method we applied is appropriate. Data appear to be controlled, reproducible, and robust. Larger studies are certainly needed to confirm the accuracy and real-life feasibility of this method. This measure appears, however, to be interesting to rule out raised ICP. \u00a0 \"\"<\/a>\"\"<\/a> \u00a0 A new study showing accuracy at 5.2 and rapid normalization when ICP is brought down (Neurocritical Care Dec 2009) Results Ninety-four ONSD measurements were analyzed. 5.2 mm proved to be the optimal ONSD cut-off point to predict raised ICP (>20 mmHg) with 93.1% sensitivity (95% CI: 77.2\u009699%) and 73.85% specificity (95% CI: 61.5\u009684%). ONSD\u0096ICP correlation coefficient was 0.7042 (95% CI for r = 0.5850\u00960.7936). The median interobserver ONSD difference was 0.25 mm. CSF drainage to control elevated ICP caused a rapid and significant reduction of ONSD (from 5.89 \u00b1 0.61 to 5 \u00b1 0.33 mm, P < 0.01).Conclusion Our investigation confirms the reliability of optic nerve ultrasound as a non-invasive method to detect elevated ICP in intracranial hemorrhage patients. ONSD measurements proved to have a good reproducibility. ONSD changes almost concurrently with CSF pressure variations. \u00a0 \u00a0 Emerg Med J. 2010 Aug 15. [Epub ahead of print]Ultrasound measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter in patients with a clinical suspicion of raised intracranial pressure.Emergency Medicine, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Norwich, UK.Abstract Background To assess if ultrasound measurement of the optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) can accurately predict the presence of raised intracranial pressure (ICP) and acute pathology in patients in the emergency department. Methods This 3-month prospective observational study used ultrasound to measure the ONSD in adult patients who required CT from the emergency department. The mean ONSD from both eyes was measured using a 7.5 MHz ultrasound probe on closed eyelids. A mean ONSD value of >0.5 cm was taken as positive. Two radiologists independently assessed CT scans from patients in the study population for signs of raised ICP and signs of acute pathology (cerebrovascular accident, subarachnoid, subdural or extradural haemorrhage and tumour). Specificity, sensitivity and kappa values, for interobserver variability between reporting radiologists, were generated for the study data. Results In all, 26 patients were enrolled into the study. The ONSD measurement was 100% specific (95% CI 79% to 100%) and 86% sensitive (95% CI 42% to 99%) for raised ICP. For any acute intracranial abnormality the value of ONSD was 100% specific (95% CI 76% to 100%) and 60% sensitive (95% CI 27% to 86%). kappa Values were 0.91 (95% CIs 0.73 to 1) for identification of raised ICP on CT and 0.84 (95% CIs 0.62 to 1) for any acute pathology on CT, between the radiologists. Conclusions This study shows that ultrasound measurement of ONSD is sensitive and specific for raised ICP in the emergency department. Further observational studies are needed but this emerging technique could be used to focus treatment in unstable patients. Review Article (Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2011;55:644) prospective obs (emerg med j 2011;28:679) finally the article that shows with treatment, ONSD resolves to normal (J Trauma 2011;71:779) Another study in a neurocritical care unit (Neurocrit Care 2011;15:506)<\/p>\n

Ultrasonographic measured optic nerve sheath diameter as an accurate and quick monitor for changes in intracranial pressureIscander M. Maissan, Perjan J. A. C. Dirven, Iain K. Haitsma, Sanne E. Hoeks, Diederik Gommers, and Robert Jan StolkerJournal of Neurosurgery,<\/span> Ahead of Print <\/span> : Pages 1-5<\/span><\/div>\n<\/div>\n

Retinal and Vitreous Detachment<\/h2>\n

this post from ALIEM has it all<\/a> (Acad Emerg Med 2002;9:791 and Annals Emerg Med 2005;45(1):97) \"\"<\/a> Will remain tethered at the optic nerve (as opposed to vitreous detachment) Macula off not as emergent Mac on is an EMERGENCY ACEP News Article By Nate Teismann, M.D. , Sachita Shah, M.D. , and Arun Nagdev, M.D.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Learning Objectives<\/h4>\n

After reading this article, the physician should be able to:<\/p>\n