
(Our Notes from the National Emergency Airway Course http:\/\/www.theairwaysite.com<\/a>, Emergency Airway Management 4th ed, and The Airway Cam Guide to Intubation) RSI evidence review (Can J Anesth 2007;54(9):748) AirwayCam Videos<\/a> Levitan Pocket Guide<\/a> http:\/\/vam.anest.ufl.edu\/airwaydevice\/videolibrary\/index.html#airtraq<\/a> http:\/\/groups.msn.com\/DrMAGBOULAIRWAYPAGE\/homepage.msnw<\/a> www.airway911.com<\/a> Airway Academy<\/a><\/p>\n

<\/span>Three Emergent Indications for Intubation<\/span><\/h2>\n

Can’t Protect Airway<\/h4>\n

(Gag reflex is absent in up to 37% of population, so a poor predictor of airway protection (J Accid Emerg Med 16(6):444, 1999) Lancet. 1995 Feb 25;345(8948):487-8,Clin Otolaryngol. 1993 Aug;18(4):303-7)<\/p>\n